Thursday, January 5, 2023

I’d Like To Meet My Great Grandfather Isaac Blakey

Why would I like to meet my Great Grandfather Isaac Blakey?

First of all, I’m one of his great granddaughters. And out of all my earlier ancestors and relatives, he’s the most, in which I’ve written about with documentation. I have discovered so much about him through the years.

How did I become interested in my Great Grandfather Isaac?

On Saturday, October 31, 1981, I was visiting some family members in Yankton, South Dakota to hear more about our family history. I was told by my cousin, Mary Jane (Blakey) Ligthner that Isaac was my great grandfather. This was a surprise to me because I had thought that he was my great uncle. This made things more interesting.

Then I began to search for information on my Great Grandfather Isaac and discovered more about him through his pension records and through documents about his health. Isaac, as a teenager and a freeman enlisted into the Civil War. And after the War, he lived out his freedom for at least 54 more years.

I will share the clearer photo of Isaac Blakey in week two. The theme is Favorite Photo.

Here’s a brief introduction about Isaac Blakey.

Isaac Blakey was born in 1845 in Howard County, Missouri. He the son of Andrew White and Julia (Finney) White from Virginia. Isaac was rise as pone of the enslaved in Missouri and was separated from his family between 1858 to 1861. It was about the time in 1861 when Isaac and his mother. were sold and they went south. Oral history states that Isaac ran away to join the Civil War.

It was on Sunday, Nov 1, 1863, Isaac, at the age of about 16, enlisted as Private Isaac Blaker in Natchez, Mississippi. He was stationed in Natchez, Mississippi with Company H. Regiment 2, 5, and 6, Untied States Colored Heavy Artillery.

It was during the Spring on 1864, Isaac was accidently wounded by a bayonet to his left leg. His wound was a running sore since that day. He was honorable discharged on Sunday, May 13, 1866.

My why to why I’d Like To Meet My Great Grandfather Isaac who lived on the earth from 1845 – 1917. Although, in a way, I feel as though I have already met him while I’ve been searching for him through his paper trail.

And I believe that Great Grandfather Isaac and I will meet face to face in person some day in heaven along with all our other relatives. (I believe that Isaac did called upon Jesus as his Lord and Savoir. I have called upon Jesus as well.)

What would I ask my Great Grandfather Isaac?
I gave this some thought. Then again, I have so many questions to asked him. Still again, I see the most important thing to do, would be to meet him. I don’t want to drill him with questions. But, I see that as in meeting him as my great grandfather would be an honor in itself.

If could ask a few questions, I would ask him: How did he make the transition from being in bondage since as an enslaved child to his freedom years in his teen years through the rest of his life on earth ? And what can he share about his life and his ancestors?

This was an interesting theme to ponder. I did something like this in September of 2010 and December of 2015 with the title If I Could Choose (Repost With Updated Information. ) I did ask some questions in those years. But, this time around. I feel the want to meet him is the most honorable thing to say.

Thanks for reading
I’d Like To Meet My Great Grandfather Isaac Blakey

God bless
S.A. Blakley

I’d Like To Meet My Great Grandfather Isaac Blakey #52Ancestors ~ Week One In 2023 

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