Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Going Deeper In 2020: Family Connections

Greetings! Welcome to this New Year!
Happy Twenty Twenty!
I hope you have a good start in this new year.!

I'm hoping to go deeper into what I have discovered on my family tree.  I've made a lot of new discoveries and  some DNA  matches that I need to look over. I'm trying to connect the dots.

I have put my DNA matches into groups of Dade, Bartlett and Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections on I have DNA cousins who I know but didn't imagine to be my relatives. I discovered that I'm an aunt cousin.

I've been updating the In Remembrance each year as I come across the information. The links posted years ago, but, I go back over to add informations.

 In Remembrance on  The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
I hope to make some progress on some of the BBW Family lineage.

I hope that you continue into the Christmas Season.
May we find what we are looking for.

Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley