Friday, May 1, 2020

Making The Most On The Journey: Making Discoveries

We are living in times of uncertainty. We should take each day one by one. I hope that you are doing well. Stay Safe and use common sense. This virus is far from over.

What discoveries have I come across?
 I haven't made many. I've been going back over what I have. I had colorized some of my black and white photos on My Heritage. Oh,, the wonder of seeing old photos colorized.

I hope that you are searching for your family connections. We all have a story to share. We all can record what we know about our relative. May we pass on the good of what we know. Amen.
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
May In Remembrance  

Isaac BLAKEY In Loving Memory of Isaac BLAKEY a.k.a Private Isaac BLAKER.
He was discharged from the army on May 13,  1866.

April News

The passing of Janelle Blakey on April 29, 2020.

She was the daughter of Arthur and Carolyn (Carroll) Blakey

Happy Day!
Happy May Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Graduation Day!
Happy Memorial Day!

Thanks for reading.
Peace be with you.
God bless.