Monday, July 1, 2019

Searching For Clues

Happy Second Half of The Year!

I've been on the journey, searching through old newspapers online.  It's time consuming. But, It's worth it. I have stumbled across more information. It's amazing.  This adds to the stories of our loved ones.

Also, I have been going back over some of my blogs. Some of them need to be updated. It takes time to do. I know that I don't have all the family connections listed.

Through the years, my family connections information has been growing. I don't know how, I'm keeping up with things. There are times I have to re do things. I've made a lot of progress.

I hope all with have a wonderful month of July!
Be safe and Stay CoOL!
The July In Remembrance link is listed below.

Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley

In Remembrance: July
Some Descendants of Andrew WHITE and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE.