About 15 years ago, someone asked me if I knew that the Missouri Death Certificates were free online. I didn’t know that. So, I googled and found the Missouri Digital Heritage website. Back then, it was at 1910 – 1957. In 2023 the records are at 1910 – 1972. One year is release to the public each year.
My journey began as I typed in surnames and plugged in counties for all my Missouri family connections. And I made a lot new discoveries and continue to do so this day. Indeed, I was excited with my findings on my Blakey Blakley and WHITE Family Connections.
I came across people; I wasn’t for sure if they were connected. For example; there were two Spencer White’s. The older one who passed in 1929. He could have been the brother of my Grandfather, John Blakey Blakley. This Spencer wasn’t living in the area where my other Blakey WHITE family members were living; in Howard / Chariton Counties in Missouri. This Spencer passed in Moberly, Randolph County Missouri.
Oh, how I wanted this Spencer born in 1856 to be my Great Uncle Spencer. On his death certificate, his parents names were listed as Ander WHITE and Julia FINNEY, they were born in Missouri. I believe that he was he correct Spencer. However, a part of me was not sure. The Andrew White and Julia I was searching for were born in Virginia. I kept searching for proof .
It was about eight years ago on July 11, 2015 when I made the discovery of Spencer White’s obituary. This was the confirmation that connected him with the Blakey WHITE Family. His sister Martha “Mattie” WHITE and brother Richard “Dick” WHITE were listed on the obituary.
Moberly Monitor-Index ~ Moberly, Missouri • Thu, May 16, 1929 Page 12

In conclusion. I can assume that the people I come across are my family. However, through further searching, I discovered that it wasn’t the case. So far I have had a number of challenges to were there are people with the same names living in the same city. How to figure out who’s who? The city directories and census records helped out a lot.
Thanks for reading,
Wondering While Stumbling Across Findings: Fast #52Ancestors Week 25 In 2023
S.A. Blakley
In Memory The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections.
July In Remembrance:
Richard WHITE Sr.'s Spencer WHITE's and
Martha "Mattie" WHITE's Family Connections
Isaac BLAKEY Sr.'s Family Connections
Idea from Week 25 ~ Amy Johnson Crow’s #52Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge
The theme for Week 25 is “Fast.” I feel the need… the need for speed! (Yeah, the coffee has kicked in.) This theme might make you think of cars or horses, but it could also be an ancestor who didn’t take long to find. Don’t forget about names like Quick and Race! Have fun with this theme!