Isaac Blakey Jr, farmer, dog catcher, hunter
There are a lot of same name relatives in my Blakey WHITE Family connection. When we speak of Isaac Blakey, we have to add more to what we are saying.
Isaac Blakey, Sr
(1845 – 1917)
He was a farmer,
Enslaved in Missouri.
Received his freedom.
Civil War Veteran
Private Isaac Blaker
Isaac Blakey II.
(1874 ca – 1971)
He was a farmer
Dog catcher
Isaac Blakey III
(1916 – 1985)
“He was a salesman extraordinary , raised dogs, and was a coon hunter, manufactured molasses from cane sugar he raised, was a butcher, and a church leader– lay preacher and singer.”
The other Isaac Blakeys are living.
I found some articles on Isaac Blakey, the hunter.
Isaac Blakey Jr. loved hunting.
He would go hunting with Clark Gable.
Mr. Gable was the actor in “Gone With The Wind”.
Thanks for reading.
Same Name: Week 6
Same Name; Isaac Blakey #52Ancestors 52 Weeks
Issac Blakey Sr. was my Great Grandfather.
Here’s a blog of my same name relatives.
May In Remembrance Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connection
God Bless you.
S.A. Blakey