I’ve been thinking about my very first road trip to Yankton, South Dakota. Why, did I go? It will be forty one years this October 31st since that journey. WOW!!
So far, I’ve been to Yankton twice; first in 1981 and the other time was in 1985. We traveled by car both times. The first time was the journey of a lifetime, for me. There’s something about the very first time when I do things. It’s very special. (The photo was taken in the hotel that we were staying in 1985.)

I was re reading some of my journal about that first trip. There were some things I completely forgot all about. It was my sister Mary Ruth who wanted to know more about the family history. Some of our South Dakota cousins are Native American. My sister wanted to know more about our Indian ancestors. And I did too.
My sister Mary contacted our cousin, Mary Jane (Blakey) Lightner who was a Native American Indian. And so was her Grandmother L. Mary (Kinney) Blakey. Mary Jane invited us to come to Yankton, so she and her Grandmother Mary could share some of the family history with us.
The journey was worth looking into. One thing led to another and before we knew it, we were heading to Yankton within a month or so. We traveled to Sioux City Iowa on October 30, 1981. The next day Yankton.
The journey itself was in all and all, in AWE. I was anxious to know more about my father David’s side of the family. My father didn’t know much about his family history. His parents passed when he was about 5 and 12. My father told me that his mother, Jennie told him that he was “a little Indian boy.”
The Family History
What our cousin Mary Jane and Great Aunt Mary said, excited something within me. Mary Jane, told us that our great grandfather was Isaac Blakey. I thought his brother John Blakey was. However, I knew that Isaac served in the Civil War. We were told that Isaac’s second wife, Rachel raised our Grandfather John Blakey Blakley. We saw a photo of Isaac and Rachel.
I’m thankful that Mary Jane reached out to us. I can’t imagine how our Grandfather John made the journey to and fro to Yankton and St. Joseph, Missouri in the teen years in the 1900’s. He was set to bring his family to Yankton, but he passed in July of 1918 in a covered wagon. His widow, Jennie and their children stayed in St. Joseph where Jennie’s siblings were.
Looking Back :
Where am I now since those road trips?
The first road trip and more so the second one were leading me elsewhere. I have gained a lot of information since those road trips. I have written to many relatives. I have searched and found documents on my family connections.
I’ve been compiling information on my ancestors and relatives. It’s been a challenge. I’ve contacted. Some relatives who helped me piece the puzzle together. I have come in contact with a lot more of relatives. I’ve been sharing with family and others some of my discoveries.
About the Native American side in my lineage:
I couldn’t find anything. I even did a DNA test. Still no trace of Native American. I do have 0.08 % of Southern Indian and Sir Lanka heritage according to 23 and Me. My Heritage.
I continue on my journey elsewhere. How interesting it is when we first start out on our family history search. In my case, I didn’t imagine that I would be where I am now. I’m overwhelmed.
In my beginning, I knew very little about my ancestors. I can trace back farther on my mother’s side all do to DNA matches. My father’s side has been match more of a challenge. I’m still searching.
Thanks for reading.
The Road Trip That Led Me Elsewhere ~ Week 39 In 2022
Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections: December In Remembrance
September 30, 2022 I added the In Remembrance: Family Connections
God bless
Week 39 Amy Johnson Crow ~ Generations Café #52Ancestors 52 Weeks ~ facebook group
The theme for Week 39 is “Road Trip.” I love a good road trip! Have you ever taken an ancestral road trip? What did you discover? Maybe you have stories of an ancestor who took to the open road. Share the stories this week,