It's been a very good year in discovering family connections. I'm thankful . I've come across more than what I would have imagine. I'm still wondering. Could I find more on what I have? I hope so.
I've been searching connections on my DNA matches. I'm color coding the matches in groups on Blakey and or White. There are a lot. However, I can't determine who is on which branch without names.
There are some who know that they are on the branch of Blakey or White. I'm on the Blakey Branch through Isaac WHITE Blakey and Martha SCOTT Blakey.
It's interesting that I'm coming across DNA matches who intermarried or had children with some on my DADE Family Connections. This makes me wonder.
I hope that you have a wonderful journey into the Christmas Season and throughout 2020. May the LORD grant you your heart's desire. May we shine the light of God in us to those around us. May we share what we know about our family connections. May we discover more on our Family Connections.
In Remembrance
The Blakey / Blakley / WHITE Family Connection.
Merry Christmas!Happy New Year!
2020 is a Leap Year!
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Friday, November 1, 2019
Giving Thanks For The BBW Family Connections
Our families left behind some things for us to follow. We should honor our ancestors We can keep their memories alive as we continue to remember them. Thank God for those who have gone on before us. They led the way for us.
I'm being thankful for all the family connections discovering over the years. I couldn't have stumbled across info with our going deeper in the my quest to know more. I believe that there is more to discover.
I believe in our family connections, the more we reach out to others on our family tree, we could find more on our lineage and may help out others who are connected with our family. I believe each of us have the missed clues to our family tree.
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections:
November In Loving Memory
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
I'm being thankful for all the family connections discovering over the years. I couldn't have stumbled across info with our going deeper in the my quest to know more. I believe that there is more to discover.
I believe in our family connections, the more we reach out to others on our family tree, we could find more on our lineage and may help out others who are connected with our family. I believe each of us have the missed clues to our family tree.
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections:
November In Loving Memory
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Some Amazing Discoveries: Some Solved Mysteries
I haven't come across much on the BBW Family Connections. I've been reading newspaper articles and other documents that I've saved. There maybe clues that I've overlooked. Here is an example.
My latest search is on Earnest White. He was the son of John and Kate ( Estill) White. Clues came from death records and matching places... Louise White listed on the 1920 MO census as granddaughter of Kate White.
On a 1928 death record of Louise White , listed her parents as Ernest White, and Kate Nichols. There is a death record of Katie White, father's last name Nichols. Katie passed in 1911...trying to .piece the puzzle... don't know who was the parents of Leo Kayon or Leo White, Kate Estill White's grandson on the MO 1920 census.
I have updated some of the bios on Find A Grave
Andrew White
Julia Finney White
Spencer White
John White
Martha "Mattie" White
Richard White
October: In Loving Memory
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
I hope the to discover more on your family connections.
I'm reading old newspapers. There maybe more clues to follow up on.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
My latest search is on Earnest White. He was the son of John and Kate ( Estill) White. Clues came from death records and matching places... Louise White listed on the 1920 MO census as granddaughter of Kate White.
On a 1928 death record of Louise White , listed her parents as Ernest White, and Kate Nichols. There is a death record of Katie White, father's last name Nichols. Katie passed in 1911...trying to .piece the puzzle... don't know who was the parents of Leo Kayon or Leo White, Kate Estill White's grandson on the MO 1920 census.
I have updated some of the bios on Find A Grave
Andrew White
Julia Finney White
Spencer White
John White
Martha "Mattie" White
Richard White
October: In Loving Memory
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
I hope the to discover more on your family connections.
I'm reading old newspapers. There maybe more clues to follow up on.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Summer Discoveries 2019: Making Some Connections
Over the Summer months, I have come across some obituaries, photos and articles on my family connections. I have added that info to my tree on . I've come across info that have solved some mysteries. There were some shocking discoveries.
Indeed, I've been making more discoveries and have been updating some family connections. It's interesting. There are articles that could be connected to the family tree. But, I can't make the connection.
I'm going back over articles. I'm looking at other family trees. I believe someone has the missing clues to make the connections. I continue to work on my Project Find A Grave and updating the biographies.
In Memory sections.
Branches of Spencer WHITE, John WHITE, Martha WHITE, and Richard WHITE
I've been searching the 1876 Missouri Census for the WHITEs and the BLAKEYs. ~ Looking for leads. There was a Isaac White was listed with Andrew White. They are the same ones on the 1880 Census next to Julia WHITE and her family.
Here are some updates.
Thanks for reading.
Indeed, I've been making more discoveries and have been updating some family connections. It's interesting. There are articles that could be connected to the family tree. But, I can't make the connection.
I'm going back over articles. I'm looking at other family trees. I believe someone has the missing clues to make the connections. I continue to work on my Project Find A Grave and updating the biographies.
In Memory sections.
September: In Remembrance: Family Connections
Branches of Spencer WHITE, John WHITE, Martha WHITE, and Richard WHITE
I can't find leads on Spencer WHITE or John WHITE. I've been searching newspapers. I will re read the articles. I continue to search and update info on the two.
I've been searching the 1876 Missouri Census for the WHITEs and the BLAKEYs. ~ Looking for leads. There was a Isaac White was listed with Andrew White. They are the same ones on the 1880 Census next to Julia WHITE and her family.
I have come across "Lawman" BENTLEY in news articles He was the father of Bob Ella (BENTLEY) CARR. Her mother was Martha " Mattie" WHITE. In the article, Lorman was killed in 1899. He had a wife and three children. (According to the 1910 census, Mattie was the mother of 5 children...I can't locate info on Alice WHITE and Jane WHITE.)
I have found one marriage record on Mattie WHITE. I don't think she is related. This Mattie married George BUTLER in Keyesville, MO in 1892.
Martha / Mattie WHITE, (daughter of Julia) was listed as a widow since the 1880 Census.I have come across two black Martha / WHITEs in Chariton / Howard County in MO. One was born in Missouri and the other one in Kentucky.
I've been searching for Richard WHITE on the Missouri 1870 census. There are at least two black Richard WHITEs in Chariton / Howard County in 1876.
September In Remembrance: Family Connections: Branch of Isaac Blakey Sr
I continue to search for leads on Isaac BLAKEY. a.k.a. Private Isaac BLAKER.
Here are some updates.
The Julia Finney White Family Connections: Isaac Blakey lineage to grandchildren: Update
Clipping in the newspaper marriage licence of Ernest Hayes and Martha Blakey, 1908.
Clipping on The Rev Thomas A. White Installation for Pastor at Trinity Baptist Church.
Slavery Descendants to Have First Reunion: Blog Series Update ~ A 48th Anniversary on August 28, 1971
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Update On Article : Slavery Descendants To Have First Reunion on August 28, 1971
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Reunion was held on Saturday, August 28, 1971 at Riverside Park in Sioux City, Iowa. And The article : "Slavery Descendants To Have First Reunion:" appeared in the Sioux City Journal on the day of the reunion. On the following day, August 29, 1971, another article entitled Slavery Descendents Gather." appeared in the paper. It included a photo.
Article: Slavery Descendants To Have First Reunion
I re read this article:
I have made more discoveries since I posted the blog series in 2013.
I have more questions.
When did Julia (Finney) White arrive in Missouri? Was the year 1843?
Did Julia have other children born in the 1830's before she came to Missouri?
When did she leave and return to Forest Green, Missouri?
How long did she (and her children) live in Natchez, Mississippi?
Did she have children born in Mississippi!
Julia had children born in Missouri in during the 1840's and to about 1866.
Part 1: Thoughts: Slavery Descendants to Have First Reunion
Some more thoughts:
With DNA matches, this lineage is connecting with relatives. There are some we don't know wher they connect on the family tree. There is a Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections group on facebook. We hope to connected with more long lost relatives.
Part 2: Blakey - White Families: The Year 1843
Haven' located info on who the mother and her children who were on the ship from Africa. The ship may have came from Africa. It could have shipped slaves to parts of the South in America from the Northern parts of America.
We can assume that Julia and her children came the route of a slave ship from VA to New Orleans. The year 1843 was the year on the article. The slave owner John BLAKEY. He passed in November of 1844. His wife was Frances (WHITE) BLAKEY.
There was an Isaac White, with a son, Andrew White listed on the 1880 census. They lived next door to Julia White and her children etc. I believe that Isaac White was related. There were others who carried the White surname living near Julia in 1880.
The Arrival And Names Taken ~ Article Part 3
The article states that there was a slave auction was in New Orleans, Louisiana. There was one in Howard County Missouri.According to a 1858, slave ad, the slaves of John Blakey, deceased were to be sold in Roanoke, Missouri in March of 1858.
According to Isaac Blakey's pension records,
Isaac and his mother were sold near the breaking out of the Civil War 1861. They went south. Haven't found records on who purchased the enslaved family members.
The ages of Isaac, 12 and John, 10, don't match with Julia's sons in the article. Isaac Blakey would have been born in 1831 and John Blakey in 1833. Julia's sons, Isaac was born in Missouri about 1845 and John was born in Missouri about 1859.
Question: Could there have been an Isaac White born in 1831 and John Blakey born in 1833?
John and Isaac Blakey: Civil War ~ Part 4
This John blakey was confused to be the John Blakley who moved to St. Joseph, Missouri.
John Blakey's nephew was John Blakey Blakley, son of Isaac and Martha (Scott) Blakey who was born in 1871.
The article states that John Blakey was living in Forest Green, Missouri. Did John take the surname Blakey while he was enslaved? John went by John White on the 1880 census and when he married Kate Estill in 1887. They had about 11 children and lived in Chariton County Missouri.
Can't locate the Blakey WHITE families on the 1870 census in Missouri or in Mississippi.Could they have lived in New Orleans area?
Isaac Blakey Reunites With Family ~ Part 5
According to oral history, the mother, sons, Spencer, Dick, and a daughter, Matt were shipped to Natchez, MS from New Orleans. Was Richard "Dick" born in MS? Or was there another Dick? According to records Richard "Dick" White was born in Missouri? Or was Dick born before the Civil War ended? The other siblings were born in Missouri.
Isaac Blakey was in Mississippi. during the Civil War. as a soldier 1863 - 1866 and early 1870's. Don't know the year when Isaac arrived in MS. He started searching for his family... and had to return to MS, where he found them easily.
Isaac had to have connections to know where his family was. It could be that the family were sold to the slave owners relatives in Missouri and in Mississippi area.
Empolyment , Homeland And Surnames ~ Part 6
The early Blakey WHITE Families decided to live in Forest Green, Missouri area.
They were farmers, farmhands some owned homes and business.
According to Isaac Blakey's pension records.
He moved his family to Chariton County Missouri in March of 1880.
He was listed on the 1880 census dated, June 6, 1880.
On the 1880 MO census, there are Spencer White, John White and Dick White on a tobacco farm.
They were also listed on the 1880 census with their mother, Julia WHITE with son, Isaac White, Isaac's wife Rachel White and their children. Julia's children, John White, Spencer, White, Josh White, David White and Martha White and two of Julia's 2 other grandchildren with the surname WHITE.
There was a Dick / Richard White was listed with Daniel Boone White.
Note: Daniel was the brother of Frances White Blakey.
Daniel White lived near to Julia White.
Was Dick a servant to Daniel White while his family were in Mississippi?
Dick and Jane WHITE ~ Part 7
Where was the cafe that Richard "Dick" and Jane White operated in Forest Green, Missouri?
Willie (White) Winfrey was the person who made the plans for the 1971 Reunion.
She had the desire to have the family to unite the family in reunions.
Blakey / Blakley Descendants ~ Article Part 8
This John Blakey Blakley was son of Isaac Blakey Sr. and Martha (Scott) Blakey.
John and his wife , Jennie changed their surname to Blakley sometime after they married in 1902. They had 12 or 13 children. Some of the children surname were Blakey or Blakley on birth / death records to 1910.
Isaac and Rachel Blakey ~ Part 9
Rachel Jackson was Isaac's second wife. They married in Mississippi.
Oral history states that Rachel was the mother of 18 children.
Here' is Rachel Blakey's obituary with the list of her children.
Hope that Isaac Blakey had an obituary.
Isaac Blakey Jr. And Yankton, SD. Blakeys ~ Part 10
About 13 of Isaac Blakey Sr's children came to Yankton, South Dakota.
They farmed the land and some made their homes there, while others moved onward.
Isaac Blakey Jr, worked as a farmer, dog catcher and a hunter.
He went hunting with Clark Gable.
Oldest Blakey Who Lived? ~ Part 11
The article was in the Sioux City Journal on Saturday, August 28, 1971.
Isaac Blakey was the 3rd oldest of Isaac Sr. and Rachel Blakey.
He passed in April of 1971 at the age of 98.
He would have been born about 1874.
Other records of his birth year was 1877.
On Find A Grave there are some memorials of the Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections.
Here is Lawhorn Blakey's grave site. His family connections are included.
Article Reflections: Slavery Descendants To Have First Reunion: Part 12
I believe that there is more information out there. Yes, I believe that it's there. The enslaved family members were separated between 1858 - to the breaking out of the Civil War. It's still a mystery where they were.... They could have been sold to relatives of the owners.
Thanks for those who are searching. One thing for sure, the Blakey / WHITE Families kept in touch through the years. I hope that more clues will come...And that the pieces to the puzzle will fall into place. May there be more family connections come forth in this lineage.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Julia (Finney) White Family Connection: Isaac Blakey a.k.a. Private Isaac Blaker: Update
The Isaac Blakey Family Connections:
Son Of son of Andrew WHITE and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE.
His parents were from Virginia.
Compiled info with the list of names of Isaac Blakey's children
Isaac's two wives and 20 + children.
This information came from Isaac Blakey Sr's pension records about 1890 - 1917
The U. S. Census records 1880 - 1940.
Compared the children's birth years to their death records.
Found some of Isaac's childrens' death records and obituaries.
Located some of Isaac's children's grave sites.
Found some newspaper articles on family connections.
Isaac Blakey Sr. made his journey to freedom, sometime after
he and his mother were sold and they went south.
Isaac enlisted into the Mississippi Union Army on Nov 1 , 1863 in Natchez MS.
He was discharged on May 13, 1866.
Isaac's first wife
(1847 - 1871)
There is a record stating Isaac and Martha were married in 1867.
Not for sure where this info came from
Isaac married Martha in Wilkerson County MS.
They were married as
Isaac BAKER and Martha SCOTT
on Feb 13, 1870.
Martha passed on Hew Davis Plantation in Woodville, MS.
Isaac was had 2 children by his first wife, Martha.
Isaac's twin sons by Martha
1.) John (Blakey) BLAKLEY
(1871 -1918)
He was listed as John BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
John married Jennie BARTLE / BARTLETT .
( 1883 - 1926)
They married on on July 28, 1902 in Clay County, Missouri.
John and Jennie changed their surname to BLAKLEY
some time after they married 1902 -1910.
Some records written as Blakey and Blakley on birth and or death records.
Stillborn daughter BLAKEY,
Edna BLAKEY / Blakley Rev John Blakley Jr.,
Isaac Blakley, Paul Blakley, daughter, Cecil Blakey, Juanita BLAKEY,
Mary Jane Blakley Richardson, Rev O. Pierson Blakley, David Blakley ,
Hazel BLAKLEY, and Baby Boy BLAKLEY.
2.) Andrew BLAKEY
( 1871 - 1871)
Andrew was the twin of John
Andrew died as an infant.
Isaac's second wife
( 1859 - 1916)
Isaac and Rachel married on July 3, 1873 in Wilkinson County, Mississippi.
Isaac surname was BLAKER. Rachel surname was LEW.
They married at Charles Marshall's house by Rev. Edward Kane.
Isaac was said to have had 18 by his second wife.
However, through research, there were at least 5 other children.
The * by the children that were said to have been Isaac's children
A list of Blakeys with some of the grandchildren of Isaac Blakey.
The findings of some family connection along the search.
Isaac's 18+ Children By Rachel
1874- 1949
She was listed as Mary BLAKER / BLAKEY on her father's pension record.
Mary WHITE married Rev Ollie / Olive GREEN on July 28, 1889.
Mary's father Isaac WHITE gave content for Mary to get married.
It appears the Mary choose the White surname.
According to the 1900 census record, Mary had a child.
The child wasn't listed with them.
Mary was listed as having a child but was died before the 1910 census.
Unnamed GREEN
*Andrew BLAKEY
On the 1880 census
This Andrew was listed as grandson to Julia White.
Andrew's mother was listed as Rachel.
Andrew was born about 1874 in MO.
The other Andrew's mother was Martha, he was born in MS 1871.
Question: where there two Andrews?
Both born in MS.
![]() |
Isaac BLAKEY Sr. 1845 - 1917 a.k.a Private Isaac Blaker Served on in the Mississippi Union Army November 1, 1863 - May 16, 1866 |
Son Of son of Andrew WHITE and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE.
His parents were from Virginia.
Compiled info with the list of names of Isaac Blakey's children
Isaac's two wives and 20 + children.
This information came from Isaac Blakey Sr's pension records about 1890 - 1917
The U. S. Census records 1880 - 1940.
Compared the children's birth years to their death records.
Found some of Isaac's childrens' death records and obituaries.
Located some of Isaac's children's grave sites.
Found some newspaper articles on family connections.
Isaac Blakey Sr. made his journey to freedom, sometime after
he and his mother were sold and they went south.
Isaac enlisted into the Mississippi Union Army on Nov 1 , 1863 in Natchez MS.
He was discharged on May 13, 1866.
Isaac's first wife
(1847 - 1871)
There is a record stating Isaac and Martha were married in 1867.
Not for sure where this info came from
Isaac married Martha in Wilkerson County MS.
They were married as
Isaac BAKER and Martha SCOTT
on Feb 13, 1870.
Martha passed on Hew Davis Plantation in Woodville, MS.
Isaac was had 2 children by his first wife, Martha.
Isaac's twin sons by Martha
1.) John (Blakey) BLAKLEY
(1871 -1918)
He was listed as John BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
John married Jennie BARTLE / BARTLETT .
( 1883 - 1926)
They married on on July 28, 1902 in Clay County, Missouri.
John and Jennie changed their surname to BLAKLEY
some time after they married 1902 -1910.
Some records written as Blakey and Blakley on birth and or death records.
Stillborn daughter BLAKEY,
Edna BLAKEY / Blakley Rev John Blakley Jr.,
Isaac Blakley, Paul Blakley, daughter, Cecil Blakey, Juanita BLAKEY,
Mary Jane Blakley Richardson, Rev O. Pierson Blakley, David Blakley ,
Hazel BLAKLEY, and Baby Boy BLAKLEY.
2.) Andrew BLAKEY
( 1871 - 1871)
Andrew was the twin of John
Andrew died as an infant.
Isaac's second wife
( 1859 - 1916)
Isaac and Rachel married on July 3, 1873 in Wilkinson County, Mississippi.
Isaac surname was BLAKER. Rachel surname was LEW.
They married at Charles Marshall's house by Rev. Edward Kane.
Isaac was said to have had 18 by his second wife.
However, through research, there were at least 5 other children.
The * by the children that were said to have been Isaac's children
A list of Blakeys with some of the grandchildren of Isaac Blakey.
The findings of some family connection along the search.
Isaac's 18+ Children By Rachel
1874- 1949
She was listed as Mary BLAKER / BLAKEY on her father's pension record.
Mary WHITE married Rev Ollie / Olive GREEN on July 28, 1889.
Mary's father Isaac WHITE gave content for Mary to get married.
It appears the Mary choose the White surname.
According to the 1900 census record, Mary had a child.
The child wasn't listed with them.
Mary was listed as having a child but was died before the 1910 census.
Unnamed GREEN
*Andrew BLAKEY
On the 1880 census
This Andrew was listed as grandson to Julia White.
Andrew's mother was listed as Rachel.
Andrew was born about 1874 in MO.
The other Andrew's mother was Martha, he was born in MS 1871.
Question: where there two Andrews?
Both born in MS.
2.) Charity BLAKER
Born about 1875, MS
Charity BLAKER was listed on Isaac's pension record
Charity may have been named after Rachel's mother.
Charity passed before 1880.
She was not listed on any censuses.
3. ) Isaac BLAKEY Jr.
On Isaac's tombstone his birth year was 1873.
He was listed as Isaac BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record
Isaac married Maggie WILLIAMS
(1874 - 1960)
Isaac and Maggie were married on Sept 15, 1900.
Isaac and Maggie Blakey's Children
John Henry Blakey, Hunster Blakey , Kathryn Blakey Church,
Hellen Blakey, Rachel Blakey Carter , Fred Blakey, Arler Blakey, Paul Blakey,
Daniel Blakey, an unnamed son Blakey , Annie Blakey, Isaac Ransom Blakey,
Carrie Janice Blakey Thomas, James Blakey, Alyce Blakey Robinson, Zackrious "Buddy" Blakey.
4.) Jordan BLAKEY
(1878- 1964)
Jordan wasn't listed on the 1880 census with his parents.
His twin, Julia was listed.
He was listed as Jordan BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
Jordan was married to Lizzie ? (1882 - 1915)
They were married about 1906 in MO.
Jordan was a widow when he married widow, Mrs. Flora BENTLEY on Oct 20, 1915 in SD
Flora Elizabeth (LAWRENCE) BLAKEY
(1894 -1954)
Believe that Jordan had offsprings by Flora.
The list of Flora Blakey's children.
Laura Belle Blakey
Clarence Ollie Blakey
Verna M. Blakey
Archie Thomas Blakey
Flora Stella Blakey Green
Baby ZZ Blakey
Jordan married Rubenia "Rudy" HOLT
Jordan and former Mrs. Rubenia RUCKER were married on Nov 14, 1934.
5.) Julia BLAKEY
She was born in MS about 1878, Jordan's twin.
She was listed on the 1880 census as Julia WHITE born in 1876.
She was listed Julia BLAKER on her father's pension record.
Julia most likely was named after Isaac's mother.
6.) Frances BLAKEY
Born about 1879/80
Frances BLAKEY was listed on her father's pension record
Frances not listed on any census.
Born about 1875, MS
Charity BLAKER was listed on Isaac's pension record
Charity may have been named after Rachel's mother.
Charity passed before 1880.
She was not listed on any censuses.
3. ) Isaac BLAKEY Jr.
On Isaac's tombstone his birth year was 1873.
He was listed as Isaac BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record
Isaac married Maggie WILLIAMS
(1874 - 1960)
Isaac and Maggie were married on Sept 15, 1900.
Isaac and Maggie Blakey's Children
John Henry Blakey, Hunster Blakey , Kathryn Blakey Church,
Hellen Blakey, Rachel Blakey Carter , Fred Blakey, Arler Blakey, Paul Blakey,
Daniel Blakey, an unnamed son Blakey , Annie Blakey, Isaac Ransom Blakey,
Carrie Janice Blakey Thomas, James Blakey, Alyce Blakey Robinson, Zackrious "Buddy" Blakey.
4.) Jordan BLAKEY
(1878- 1964)
Jordan wasn't listed on the 1880 census with his parents.
His twin, Julia was listed.
He was listed as Jordan BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
Jordan was married to Lizzie ? (1882 - 1915)
They were married about 1906 in MO.
Jordan was a widow when he married widow, Mrs. Flora BENTLEY on Oct 20, 1915 in SD
Flora Elizabeth (LAWRENCE) BLAKEY
(1894 -1954)
Believe that Jordan had offsprings by Flora.
The list of Flora Blakey's children.
Laura Belle Blakey
Clarence Ollie Blakey
Verna M. Blakey
Archie Thomas Blakey
Flora Stella Blakey Green
Baby ZZ Blakey
Jordan married Rubenia "Rudy" HOLT
Jordan and former Mrs. Rubenia RUCKER were married on Nov 14, 1934.
5.) Julia BLAKEY
She was born in MS about 1878, Jordan's twin.
She was listed on the 1880 census as Julia WHITE born in 1876.
She was listed Julia BLAKER on her father's pension record.
Julia most likely was named after Isaac's mother.
6.) Frances BLAKEY
Born about 1879/80
Frances BLAKEY was listed on her father's pension record
Frances not listed on any census.
7) Henry BLAKEY
(1880- 1967)
The year of his birth range from 1881 - 1883.
Henry was listed on the 1880 census at age 2 born in 1878 with his parents.
Question if there were two Henrys.
Or was Henry a middle name of one of Isaac's and Rachel's sons?
He was listed as Henry BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
Henry eloped with Mary Elizabeth FRISTOE
They were married on Oct 16, 1905 at the court house in SD.
Henry and Mary Blakey's children
Annie Blakey, Henry Blakey , Arthur Blakey , Pearline Blakey , Floyd Blakey, Nathaniel Blakey, a son Blakey born 1915, Maybelle Blakey Guyton, Francis Blakey, Irene Blakey Kemp,
Mary Blakey , Theodore "Ted" Blakey
*Isaiah BLAKER
He was listed as Isaiah BLAKER on his father's pension record.
Born about 1884
Isaiah not listed on any census.
Wonder if Isaiah could have been Beecher's middle name?
See Child #8
*Turner BLAKEY
Born about May of 1884
Turner BLAKER listed on 1900 census record
Turner was more likely to have been Spencer.
See Child # 9
8.) Beecher BLAKEY
MO Born about 1885
He was listed as Beecher BLAKER on his father's pension record
Not much known about Beecher.
He was listed only on the 1900 Census.
Oral history states that he passed in Yankton SD.
9.) Spencer BLAKEY
(1887 - 1967 )
Spencer Tunner/ Turner BLAKEY
He was listed as Spencer BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
Spencer married Lucinda Mary "Lovie" KINNEY
(1893- 1985)
They were married on May 2, 1911.
Spencer and Mary Blakley's children.
Lucille Blakey Brown, George Blakey, infant son Blakey, Mary C Blakey ,
Virgil Blakey, Julia Blakey Leroy Blakey and Spencer Jr.
10.) Lillie "Susie" BLAKEY
(1888- 1934)
Her name was listed as Lillie BLAKER / BLAKEY on her father's pension record.
Lille was listed as "Susie" on the 1900 census record.
Oral history states that Lillie's nickname was Susie.
Lillie married Edward "Ed" HAYES
They were married in 1906.
Lillie and Edward Hayes' daughters
Edna Hayes Yancey
and Dorothy Hayes
Not for sure if Lille and Edward's daughters had offsprings.
Born about 1889
Kate was only listed on the 1900 census record
*Maggie BLAKEY
MO Born 1891
Maggie could have been Martha.
(1880- 1967)
The year of his birth range from 1881 - 1883.
Henry was listed on the 1880 census at age 2 born in 1878 with his parents.
Question if there were two Henrys.
Or was Henry a middle name of one of Isaac's and Rachel's sons?
He was listed as Henry BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
Henry eloped with Mary Elizabeth FRISTOE
They were married on Oct 16, 1905 at the court house in SD.
Henry and Mary Blakey's children
Annie Blakey, Henry Blakey , Arthur Blakey , Pearline Blakey , Floyd Blakey, Nathaniel Blakey, a son Blakey born 1915, Maybelle Blakey Guyton, Francis Blakey, Irene Blakey Kemp,
Mary Blakey , Theodore "Ted" Blakey
*Isaiah BLAKER
He was listed as Isaiah BLAKER on his father's pension record.
Born about 1884
Isaiah not listed on any census.
Wonder if Isaiah could have been Beecher's middle name?
See Child #8
*Turner BLAKEY
Born about May of 1884
Turner BLAKER listed on 1900 census record
Turner was more likely to have been Spencer.
See Child # 9
8.) Beecher BLAKEY
MO Born about 1885
He was listed as Beecher BLAKER on his father's pension record
Not much known about Beecher.
He was listed only on the 1900 Census.
Oral history states that he passed in Yankton SD.
9.) Spencer BLAKEY
(1887 - 1967 )
Spencer Tunner/ Turner BLAKEY
He was listed as Spencer BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
Spencer married Lucinda Mary "Lovie" KINNEY
(1893- 1985)
They were married on May 2, 1911.
Spencer and Mary Blakley's children.
Lucille Blakey Brown, George Blakey, infant son Blakey, Mary C Blakey ,
Virgil Blakey, Julia Blakey Leroy Blakey and Spencer Jr.
10.) Lillie "Susie" BLAKEY
(1888- 1934)
Her name was listed as Lillie BLAKER / BLAKEY on her father's pension record.
Lille was listed as "Susie" on the 1900 census record.
Oral history states that Lillie's nickname was Susie.
Lillie married Edward "Ed" HAYES
They were married in 1906.
Lillie and Edward Hayes' daughters
Edna Hayes Yancey
and Dorothy Hayes
Not for sure if Lille and Edward's daughters had offsprings.
Born about 1889
Kate was only listed on the 1900 census record
*Maggie BLAKEY
MO Born 1891
Maggie could have been Martha.
Source 1900 Census Record
See Child # 11
See Child # 11
11.) Martha "Mot" BLAKEY
MO Born about (1889 - 1918)
Martha married Ernest "Jap" HAYES
(1886- 1968)
They were married in April of 1908.
Note: Martha and Lille (BLAKEY) Hayes were sisters.
Also they were sisters in law.
Edward Hayes and Ernest Hayes were brothers.
MO Born about (1889 - 1918)
Martha married Ernest "Jap" HAYES
(1886- 1968)
They were married in April of 1908.
Note: Martha and Lille (BLAKEY) Hayes were sisters.
Also they were sisters in law.
Edward Hayes and Ernest Hayes were brothers.
Martha died for the flu epidemic in 1918.
Martha and Ernest Hayes' children
Levi "Boe" Hayes, Earldean Hayes Hunter, Arthur HAYES,
Georgia Hayes Tolson, Robert Hayes, Ernest, Hayes Dorothy Hayes Baker.
12.) Joe BLAKEY
Born about 1891
Not for sure of year of birth she was listed before Rosa on the list of children.
He was listed as Joe BLAKER on his father's pension records
Joe was not listed on census records
Born about 1891
Not for sure of year of birth she was listed before Rosa on the list of children.
He was listed as Joe BLAKER on his father's pension records
Joe was not listed on census records
13.) Rosa BLAKEY
Born about 1892
Not for sure of year of birth she was listed after Joe on the list of children.
Born about 1892
Not for sure of year of birth she was listed after Joe on the list of children.
She was listed as Rosa BLAKER on her father's pension records
Rosa was not listed on any censuses.
14.) Ollie "Deke" BLAKEY
(1895 - 1972)
He was listed as Ollie BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
Ollie wasn't listed on the 1900 census. He could have been David.
Ollie had been a deacon since the age of 16.
Ollie married Margaret CASON
(1896- 1972)
They were married in July of 1916.
Ollie and Margaret had no children.
They helped raised Martha Blakey Hayes' children.
Ollie was the guardian to his brother Archie when their father passed away in 1917.
15.) Edna Mae "Edner" BLAKEY
(1896- 1972)
Her name was listed as Edna BLAKER / BLAKEY on her father's pension records
Edna married Edward / Dadney "Dad" JACKSON
Edna and Edward Jackson's children
Edward, Jackson Jr.
Emerson Jackson, and
Archie Jackson
Edna and Edward were divorced.
Edna BLAKEY married Jay C. MARION
They married on Nov 15, 1919.
They later divorced.
Edna BLAKEY married Richard T. "Dick" BENTLEY
(1893 - 1976)
Richard and Edna married on March 13, 1926 in Lyman, South Dakota.
16.) Lawhorn "Doc" BLAKEY
(1900 -1977)
SSC# States born in 1900 and WWI Record 1899.
He was listed as Lawhorn BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record
Lawhorn was married to Mettie HOLLIDAY.
Lawhorn married Mettie with the surname of BLAKLEY.
Date of marriage: June 6, 1924 in Yankton, South Dakota.
Lawhorn married Evelyn WILSON on Dec 14, 1926 in CA.
Lawhorn was listed as married to Roberta ? in CA
Lawhorn was listed as married to Inez Evelyn CAMPBELL
(1907 - 1974)
Can't file marriage record
Don't know if Lawhorn had offsprings.
Lawhorn wasn't listed on the 1900 census.
He could have been David.
Born about 1897
David listed on 1900 census records
David could have been a nickname or middle name.
He wasn't listed on his father's pension record.
17.) Annie Rebecca BLAKEY
She was listed as Annie BLAKER on her father's pension record
Annie was born about Jan 1998.
Annie Blakey was not listed on any census records.
She was listed in the article:
Slavery Descendants to Have First Reunion in Aug of 1971.
Rosa was not listed on any censuses.
14.) Ollie "Deke" BLAKEY
(1895 - 1972)
He was listed as Ollie BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
Ollie wasn't listed on the 1900 census. He could have been David.
Ollie had been a deacon since the age of 16.
Ollie married Margaret CASON
(1896- 1972)
They were married in July of 1916.
Ollie and Margaret had no children.
They helped raised Martha Blakey Hayes' children.
Ollie was the guardian to his brother Archie when their father passed away in 1917.
15.) Edna Mae "Edner" BLAKEY
(1896- 1972)
Her name was listed as Edna BLAKER / BLAKEY on her father's pension records
Edna married Edward / Dadney "Dad" JACKSON
Edna and Edward Jackson's children
Edward, Jackson Jr.
Emerson Jackson, and
Archie Jackson
Edna and Edward were divorced.
Edna BLAKEY married Jay C. MARION
They married on Nov 15, 1919.
They later divorced.
Edna BLAKEY married Richard T. "Dick" BENTLEY
(1893 - 1976)
Richard and Edna married on March 13, 1926 in Lyman, South Dakota.
16.) Lawhorn "Doc" BLAKEY
(1900 -1977)
SSC# States born in 1900 and WWI Record 1899.
He was listed as Lawhorn BLAKER / BLAKEY on his father's pension record
Lawhorn was married to Mettie HOLLIDAY.
Lawhorn married Mettie with the surname of BLAKLEY.
Date of marriage: June 6, 1924 in Yankton, South Dakota.
Lawhorn married Evelyn WILSON on Dec 14, 1926 in CA.
Lawhorn was listed as married to Roberta ? in CA
Lawhorn was listed as married to Inez Evelyn CAMPBELL
(1907 - 1974)
Can't file marriage record
Don't know if Lawhorn had offsprings.
Lawhorn wasn't listed on the 1900 census.
He could have been David.
Born about 1897
David listed on 1900 census records
David could have been a nickname or middle name.
He wasn't listed on his father's pension record.
17.) Annie Rebecca BLAKEY
She was listed as Annie BLAKER on her father's pension record
Annie was born about Jan 1998.
Annie Blakey was not listed on any census records.
She was listed in the article:
Slavery Descendants to Have First Reunion in Aug of 1971.
18.) Archie T. BLAKEY
( 1904 - 1943)
He was listed as Archie BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
His brother Ollie was his guardiant after their father passed in 1917.
Archie was listed married Flora BLAKEY on city directories and the 1940 census.
The marriage year was 1926.
Note that Flora was married to Archie's brother Jordan Blakey in 1915.
Archie and / or Jordan did have children by Flora.
DNA matches connect with the Blakey Blakley WHITE lineage of Flora Blakey's children
who's father was Jordan Blakey or Archie Blakey.
Six of Isaac's and Rachel's children died before 1900.
Most likely they were:
Charity Blaker Julia Blakey , Frances Blakey, Joe Blakey,
Rosa Blakey and ? Annie Blakey
The search continues on the Isaac' Blakey Family Connections
Hope this was helpful to the descendants of Isaac Blakey Sr.
May you pass the info on down the line for the next generations.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
Project: The Julia (Finney) White Family Connections
( 1904 - 1943)
He was listed as Archie BLAKEY on his father's pension record.
His brother Ollie was his guardiant after their father passed in 1917.
Archie was listed married Flora BLAKEY on city directories and the 1940 census.
The marriage year was 1926.
Note that Flora was married to Archie's brother Jordan Blakey in 1915.
Archie and / or Jordan did have children by Flora.
DNA matches connect with the Blakey Blakley WHITE lineage of Flora Blakey's children
who's father was Jordan Blakey or Archie Blakey.
Six of Isaac's and Rachel's children died before 1900.
Most likely they were:
Charity Blaker Julia Blakey , Frances Blakey, Joe Blakey,
Rosa Blakey and ? Annie Blakey
The search continues on the Isaac' Blakey Family Connections
Hope this was helpful to the descendants of Isaac Blakey Sr.
May you pass the info on down the line for the next generations.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
Project: The Julia (Finney) White Family Connections
Thursday, August 1, 2019
What a journey this is. I continue to search old newspapers. I'm making new discoveries. I'm compiling what I found and have been updating profiles, short biography on and on my Find A Grave Project.
I hope that I can come across more. I believe that there is more. I'm thankful for what I have stumbled across. The journey has been long. And it has been worth the exploration.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
In Loving Memory of Branch of BLAKEY BLAKLEY WHITE
On August 4 ~
In Loving Memory of Arthur Raymond BLAKEY Jr. He passed. He was the son of Arthur BLAKEY Sr. and Johnnie Mae (BULTER) BLAKEY.
I hope that I can come across more. I believe that there is more. I'm thankful for what I have stumbled across. The journey has been long. And it has been worth the exploration.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
In Loving Memory of Branch of BLAKEY BLAKLEY WHITE
On August 4 ~
In Loving Memory of Arthur Raymond BLAKEY Jr. He passed. He was the son of Arthur BLAKEY Sr. and Johnnie Mae (BULTER) BLAKEY.
Monday, July 1, 2019
Searching For Clues
Happy Second Half of The Year!
I've been on the journey, searching through old newspapers online. It's time consuming. But, It's worth it. I have stumbled across more information. It's amazing. This adds to the stories of our loved ones.
Also, I have been going back over some of my blogs. Some of them need to be updated. It takes time to do. I know that I don't have all the family connections listed.
Through the years, my family connections information has been growing. I don't know how, I'm keeping up with things. There are times I have to re do things. I've made a lot of progress.
I hope all with have a wonderful month of July!
Be safe and Stay CoOL!
The July In Remembrance link is listed below.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
In Remembrance: July
Some Descendants of Andrew WHITE and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE.
I've been on the journey, searching through old newspapers online. It's time consuming. But, It's worth it. I have stumbled across more information. It's amazing. This adds to the stories of our loved ones.
Also, I have been going back over some of my blogs. Some of them need to be updated. It takes time to do. I know that I don't have all the family connections listed.
Through the years, my family connections information has been growing. I don't know how, I'm keeping up with things. There are times I have to re do things. I've made a lot of progress.
I hope all with have a wonderful month of July!
Be safe and Stay CoOL!
The July In Remembrance link is listed below.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S. A. Blakley
In Remembrance: July
Some Descendants of Andrew WHITE and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Ancestors In 1858 Newspaper Advertisement
It’s been 30 years since I received this advertisement. A thoughtful librarian mailed it to me. I was inquiring info about my ancestors. God bless Mark who took the time to search the newspapers. This ad was a public sale that listed my ancestors by names. There is a court record in Howard County, Missouri dated in Jan of 1858.
It’s a horrible thought to see this ad. My ancestors were sold as property. A selected group of people were classified as slaves… That was the law of the land during those times. Thank God that slavery was abolished.
I’ve forgiven those who have enslaved my ancestors, decades ago. Through my quest, I have come across some of the descendants of John and Frances (WHITE) BLAKEY. I’m thankful that I had a chance to make contact them.
As I look back at this ad, I still wonder what became of my ancestors. Through the years, I have made some discovering. I’m still searching for their paper trails. I hope to find more.
I assume that the nine enslaved were a family unit. The owner had to sell and divide the money between the heirs of John BLAKEY; his widow Frances (WHITE) BLAKEY and their children. John Blakey passed in 1844.
Who were the people mentioned in this newspaper ad?
Andrew WHITE, my 2nd Great Grandfather, born about 1818
Julia WHITE, my 2nd Great Grandmother, born about 1820
Linda WHITE, my Great Aunt, born about 1841
Mary WHITE, my Great Aunt, born about 1844
Isaac WHITE / BLAKEY, my Great Grandfather, born about 1845
Ben WHITE, my Great Uncle, born 1848
Spencer WHITE, my Great Uncle, born about 1852
There were two other children….
In the Howard County Missouri probate two other children were mentioned.
There were 8 people listed on the probate record and 9 on the ad. Someone searched the probate record and sent me her notes in Nov of 1989. God bless Carolyn.
Andrew was listed as 45
Julian was listed as 35
Linda was listed as 15 or 17
Mary was listed as 13
Isaac was listed as 11
Andrew was listed as 9
Lydia was 5
Not for sure if Andrew was Ben or if they were twins.
Spencer was listed as 2
Ben was listed as 9 on the ad not the probate.
Other discoveries:
Julia had about 13 or 14 children.
Julia was listed as a widow on the 1880 census with some of her children.
Julia had a granddaughter who was mulatto, the mother wasn’t listed.
W. C. HARVEY, a doctor and the son in law of Frances (WHITE) BLAKEY.
W.C. also signed an affidavit to verify that he knew Isaac BLAKEY before the Civil War.
W.C. and Isaac lived about 10 miles a part after the War.
According to other affidavits and oral history:
Isaac and his mother were sold about 1861 and the breaking out of the War. They went south. They ended up in Mississippi.
Oral history has it the Isaac ran away and joined the Civil War. Pension records indicate that Isaac enlisted into the Union Army on Nov 1, 1863 in Natchez, MS. He served until May 13, 1866. Isaac was wounded with a bayonet in the war.
After the Civil War, Isaac searched for his family. He was told some were in Mississippi. Isaac gathered his family. They moved to and live in Forest Green, Missouri around March of 1880.
I believe that there is more info on my ancestors. The transaction to who bought them in 1858 – 1859, where they lived after this ad was place. I haven’t located them on the 1870 Census. They were most likely in Missouri. The info is there. I hope that I or someone will stumble upon it. Giving thanks to God.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.S.A. Blakley
It’s a horrible thought to see this ad. My ancestors were sold as property. A selected group of people were classified as slaves… That was the law of the land during those times. Thank God that slavery was abolished.
I’ve forgiven those who have enslaved my ancestors, decades ago. Through my quest, I have come across some of the descendants of John and Frances (WHITE) BLAKEY. I’m thankful that I had a chance to make contact them.
As I look back at this ad, I still wonder what became of my ancestors. Through the years, I have made some discovering. I’m still searching for their paper trails. I hope to find more.
I assume that the nine enslaved were a family unit. The owner had to sell and divide the money between the heirs of John BLAKEY; his widow Frances (WHITE) BLAKEY and their children. John Blakey passed in 1844.
Who were the people mentioned in this newspaper ad?
Andrew WHITE, my 2nd Great Grandfather, born about 1818
Julia WHITE, my 2nd Great Grandmother, born about 1820
Linda WHITE, my Great Aunt, born about 1841
Mary WHITE, my Great Aunt, born about 1844
Isaac WHITE / BLAKEY, my Great Grandfather, born about 1845
Ben WHITE, my Great Uncle, born 1848
Spencer WHITE, my Great Uncle, born about 1852
There were two other children….
In the Howard County Missouri probate two other children were mentioned.
There were 8 people listed on the probate record and 9 on the ad. Someone searched the probate record and sent me her notes in Nov of 1989. God bless Carolyn.
Andrew was listed as 45
Julian was listed as 35
Linda was listed as 15 or 17
Mary was listed as 13
Isaac was listed as 11
Andrew was listed as 9
Lydia was 5
Not for sure if Andrew was Ben or if they were twins.
Spencer was listed as 2
Ben was listed as 9 on the ad not the probate.
Other discoveries:
Julia had about 13 or 14 children.
Julia was listed as a widow on the 1880 census with some of her children.
Julia had a granddaughter who was mulatto, the mother wasn’t listed.
W. C. HARVEY, a doctor and the son in law of Frances (WHITE) BLAKEY.
W.C. also signed an affidavit to verify that he knew Isaac BLAKEY before the Civil War.
W.C. and Isaac lived about 10 miles a part after the War.
According to other affidavits and oral history:
Isaac and his mother were sold about 1861 and the breaking out of the War. They went south. They ended up in Mississippi.
Oral history has it the Isaac ran away and joined the Civil War. Pension records indicate that Isaac enlisted into the Union Army on Nov 1, 1863 in Natchez, MS. He served until May 13, 1866. Isaac was wounded with a bayonet in the war.
After the Civil War, Isaac searched for his family. He was told some were in Mississippi. Isaac gathered his family. They moved to and live in Forest Green, Missouri around March of 1880.
I believe that there is more info on my ancestors. The transaction to who bought them in 1858 – 1859, where they lived after this ad was place. I haven’t located them on the 1870 Census. They were most likely in Missouri. The info is there. I hope that I or someone will stumble upon it. Giving thanks to God.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.S.A. Blakley
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Summertime Projects
Welcome to June!
The Summer months are upon us. Time to enjoy the season. I plan to do some projects. I've been searching through what I have and compiling information. I'm journaling about some of my family connections.
I hope al will have a Great month of June!
Happy Summer Time!
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
June In Loving Memory:
Some of the Descendants of Andrew and Julia ( FINNEY)WHITE
Branch John, Mattie and Richard WHITE
June In Loving Memory:
Some of The Descendants of Andrew and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE
Branch of Isaac Blakey, Civil War Vet
The Summer months are upon us. Time to enjoy the season. I plan to do some projects. I've been searching through what I have and compiling information. I'm journaling about some of my family connections.
I hope al will have a Great month of June!
Happy Summer Time!
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
June In Loving Memory:
Some of the Descendants of Andrew and Julia ( FINNEY)WHITE
Branch John, Mattie and Richard WHITE
June In Loving Memory:
Some of The Descendants of Andrew and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE
Branch of Isaac Blakey, Civil War Vet
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Hope To Make More Progress
Welcome to the month of May!
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections :
Click on list In Remembrance
In Loving Memory of Spencer WHITE.
He passed on May 15, 1929
In Loving Memory of Martha / Mattie WHITE.
She was born sometime in May of 1862.
Richard and Jane FERGUSON WHITE Family Connections
In Loving Memory of Donald Silas HURD.
He was born on May 2, 1953. He was the son of Cain HURD and Mabel (WHITE) AKER.
In Loving Memory of Evelyn (WHITE) BROWN
She passed on May 17, 2017. She was the daughter of Eugene and Corean JONES WHITE.
In Loving Memory of Georgia / Georgie (LEE) WHITE.
She passed on May 21, 1952. She was the wife of Tony WHITE.
The Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY Family Connections
In Loving Memory of Isaac BLAKEY
a.k.a Private Isaac BLAKER. He was discharged from the army on May 13, 1866.
In Loving Memory of Velma Mae CAMPBELL.
She was born on May 16, 1905. She was married to Archie BLAKEY.
In Loving Memory of Ella May SOWARD.
She was born on May 25, 1912. She was married to Fred F. BLAKEY.
Happy Day!
Happy May Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Graduation Day!
Happy Memorial Day!
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections :
Click on list In Remembrance
In Loving Memory of Spencer WHITE.
He passed on May 15, 1929
In Loving Memory of Martha / Mattie WHITE.
She was born sometime in May of 1862.
Richard and Jane FERGUSON WHITE Family Connections
In Loving Memory of Donald Silas HURD.
He was born on May 2, 1953. He was the son of Cain HURD and Mabel (WHITE) AKER.
In Loving Memory of Evelyn (WHITE) BROWN
She passed on May 17, 2017. She was the daughter of Eugene and Corean JONES WHITE.
In Loving Memory of Georgia / Georgie (LEE) WHITE.
She passed on May 21, 1952. She was the wife of Tony WHITE.
The Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY Family Connections
In Loving Memory of Isaac BLAKEY
a.k.a Private Isaac BLAKER. He was discharged from the army on May 13, 1866.
In Loving Memory of Velma Mae CAMPBELL.
She was born on May 16, 1905. She was married to Archie BLAKEY.
In Loving Memory of Ella May SOWARD.
She was born on May 25, 1912. She was married to Fred F. BLAKEY.
Happy Day!
Happy May Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Graduation Day!
Happy Memorial Day!
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
Monday, April 1, 2019
Stumbling Across More Family Connections
I continue to search whatever resources that I can. I've been searching old newspaper articles. I have found some photos of relatives. There were birth announcements, obituaries, cards of thanks, marriage and divorce filed. Every little info adds to the family history.
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
April In Remembrance
In Loving Memory of Lee Roy HAWKINS Sr. Sept 1948 - Feb 28, 2019.
New date added to list In Remembrance:
In Loving Memory of Harry Monroe HUNTER. He passed on April 4, 1983 in Iowa. He was the husband on of Earldean / Flossy (HAYES) HUNTER.
I wish all the best in the 2nd quarter of 2019.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless you.
S.A. Blakley
I continue to search whatever resources that I can. I've been searching old newspaper articles. I have found some photos of relatives. There were birth announcements, obituaries, cards of thanks, marriage and divorce filed. Every little info adds to the family history.
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
April In Remembrance
In Loving Memory of Lee Roy HAWKINS Sr. Sept 1948 - Feb 28, 2019.
New date added to list In Remembrance:
In Loving Memory of Harry Monroe HUNTER. He passed on April 4, 1983 in Iowa. He was the husband on of Earldean / Flossy (HAYES) HUNTER.
I wish all the best in the 2nd quarter of 2019.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless you.
S.A. Blakley
Friday, March 1, 2019
Making New Discoveries
Greetings! Happy March!
February / March: The Anniversary of the Slave Ad. 1858.
One of the first public records of being enslaved: Andrew WHITE and Julia FINNEY WHITE
I'm making more discoveries. I'm re tracking things and looking back over what I have. I can't located the Blakeys and Whites on the 1870 census. Isaac was in MS.
The BLAKEY BLAKLEY WHITE Family Connections
The Link to the Full list March In Remembrance
Here's list of a few relatives not on the other list on link above.
Isaac and Rachel BLAKEY
In Memory of Rachel (Ann LEPHRIDGE / JACKSON) BLAKEY. She passed on March 17, 1916 in Chariton County Missouri. She was the daughter of Andrew and Charity LEPHRIDGE. Rachel was the 2nd wife of Isaac BLAKEY.
In Memory of Mary (FRISTOE) BLAKEY. She was born in Mar or Sept of 1880. She was the wife of Henry BLAKEY Sr.
In Memory of Frances BLAKEY. She was born in 1879. She was the daughter of Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY.
In Memory of Geames IVORY Jr. He was born on March 10, 1967. He was the son of Geames IVORY Sr. and Doris (BLAKEY) IVORY. Branch of Leroy Sr,. Spencer Sr ~ Isaac and Rachel.
In Memory of Jerry (COLE) JACKSON. She was born on March 31, 1943. She was the wife of Rickey JACKSON. Branch of Edward JACKSON Jr. ~ Edna (BLAKEY) BENTLEY ~ Isaac and Rachel.
Richard and Mary WHITE
In Memory of Mary Belle (BROOKS) STAPLETON WHITE. She was born some time in March of 1860. She was the white of David STAPLETON and Richard "Dick" WHITE Sr.
Richard and Jane WHITE
In Memory of Ella Mae (WHITE) CASON. She was born March 1, 1928. She was the daughter of Eugene and Corean (JONES) WHITE. Branch of Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
In Memory or John PORTER. He was born on March 9, 1911. He passed on March, 22, 2000. He was the husband of Laura Belle (GUNN) PORTER. Branch of Alex and Alberta (WHITE) MORRIS. ~ Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
John and Katherine WHITE
In Memory of Katherine "Katie" (ESTELL / ESTIL) WHITE. She passed on March 15, 1923 in MO. She was the daughter of Tom and Lizzie ESTELLL ESTIL. Katherine was the wife John WHITE.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
February / March: The Anniversary of the Slave Ad. 1858.
One of the first public records of being enslaved: Andrew WHITE and Julia FINNEY WHITE
I'm making more discoveries. I'm re tracking things and looking back over what I have. I can't located the Blakeys and Whites on the 1870 census. Isaac was in MS.
The BLAKEY BLAKLEY WHITE Family Connections
The Link to the Full list March In Remembrance
Here's list of a few relatives not on the other list on link above.
Isaac and Rachel BLAKEY
In Memory of Rachel (Ann LEPHRIDGE / JACKSON) BLAKEY. She passed on March 17, 1916 in Chariton County Missouri. She was the daughter of Andrew and Charity LEPHRIDGE. Rachel was the 2nd wife of Isaac BLAKEY.
In Memory of Mary (FRISTOE) BLAKEY. She was born in Mar or Sept of 1880. She was the wife of Henry BLAKEY Sr.
In Memory of Frances BLAKEY. She was born in 1879. She was the daughter of Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY.
In Memory of Geames IVORY Jr. He was born on March 10, 1967. He was the son of Geames IVORY Sr. and Doris (BLAKEY) IVORY. Branch of Leroy Sr,. Spencer Sr ~ Isaac and Rachel.
In Memory of Jerry (COLE) JACKSON. She was born on March 31, 1943. She was the wife of Rickey JACKSON. Branch of Edward JACKSON Jr. ~ Edna (BLAKEY) BENTLEY ~ Isaac and Rachel.
Richard and Mary WHITE
In Memory of Mary Belle (BROOKS) STAPLETON WHITE. She was born some time in March of 1860. She was the white of David STAPLETON and Richard "Dick" WHITE Sr.
Richard and Jane WHITE
In Memory of Ella Mae (WHITE) CASON. She was born March 1, 1928. She was the daughter of Eugene and Corean (JONES) WHITE. Branch of Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
In Memory or John PORTER. He was born on March 9, 1911. He passed on March, 22, 2000. He was the husband of Laura Belle (GUNN) PORTER. Branch of Alex and Alberta (WHITE) MORRIS. ~ Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
John and Katherine WHITE
In Memory of Katherine "Katie" (ESTELL / ESTIL) WHITE. She passed on March 15, 1923 in MO. She was the daughter of Tom and Lizzie ESTELLL ESTIL. Katherine was the wife John WHITE.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Page From Isaac Blakey's Civil War Pension Record: W.C. Harvey's Affidavit
Friday, February 1, 2019
Family Discoveries: The Heart Of Searching For Family Connections
Happy February!
I can't recall when the inspiration for me to search for my family connections begin. Though the years, my heart of searching for family connections has grown. I've been connecting other family members to one another. Thank You, Jesus!
I pray that others who are searching and those who will have the desire to search for their family connections, will reach out to others so that they will discover more on their family history. There are a lot of people who don't know where to search searching.
I'm thankful that there are people who are taking the DNA test. I've have more DNA cousins that I didn't know about. DNA is a good place to start your journey. It's helpful to start a family tree as well.
I have made some new discoveries some years ago. I was searching old newspapers online. I came across two sisters. Inez E. CAMPBEL BLAKEY and Velma Mae CAMPBEL MARYLAND. I stumbled across that they were married to brothers. And that the sisters passed within a day apart.
In Memory of Inez Evelyn (CAMPBELL) BLAKEY. She passed on Feb 10, 1974. She was married to Lawhorn BLAKEY. ~ ~ Branch of Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY.
In Memory of Velma Mae (CAMPBELL) MARYLAND. She passed on Feb 11, 1974. She was married to Archie BLAKEY. ~ Branch of Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY.
For February: In Remembrance....
I have a few listed below that I came across last year. The others are on the list here on this link; In Memory of The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
For February: In Remembrance....
In Memory of Jeffery Joel McCORMICK. He passed on Feb 17, 2007. He was the son of Gwendolyn (STEVENS) MOORE. Branch of Leana Pauline "Paula" (WHITE) SAMUELS. Branch of Tony and Georgie (LEE) WHITE. Branch of Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
In Memory of Laura Bell (GUNN) PORTER. She was born on Feb 18, 1909. She passed on Feb 20, 1985. She was the daughter of Alberta (WHITE) MORRIS. ~ Branch of Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
In Memory of Marjorie (GREGG) JACKSON. She passed on Feb 19, 2012. She was the wife of William L. JACKSON on the branch of James and Hattie (WHITE) JACKSON. Branch of Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
Thanks for reading.
S.A. Blakley
I can't recall when the inspiration for me to search for my family connections begin. Though the years, my heart of searching for family connections has grown. I've been connecting other family members to one another. Thank You, Jesus!
I pray that others who are searching and those who will have the desire to search for their family connections, will reach out to others so that they will discover more on their family history. There are a lot of people who don't know where to search searching.
I'm thankful that there are people who are taking the DNA test. I've have more DNA cousins that I didn't know about. DNA is a good place to start your journey. It's helpful to start a family tree as well.
I have made some new discoveries some years ago. I was searching old newspapers online. I came across two sisters. Inez E. CAMPBEL BLAKEY and Velma Mae CAMPBEL MARYLAND. I stumbled across that they were married to brothers. And that the sisters passed within a day apart.
In Memory of Inez Evelyn (CAMPBELL) BLAKEY. She passed on Feb 10, 1974. She was married to Lawhorn BLAKEY. ~ ~ Branch of Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY.
In Memory of Velma Mae (CAMPBELL) MARYLAND. She passed on Feb 11, 1974. She was married to Archie BLAKEY. ~ Branch of Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY.
For February: In Remembrance....
I have a few listed below that I came across last year. The others are on the list here on this link; In Memory of The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
For February: In Remembrance....
In Memory of Jeffery Joel McCORMICK. He passed on Feb 17, 2007. He was the son of Gwendolyn (STEVENS) MOORE. Branch of Leana Pauline "Paula" (WHITE) SAMUELS. Branch of Tony and Georgie (LEE) WHITE. Branch of Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
In Memory of Laura Bell (GUNN) PORTER. She was born on Feb 18, 1909. She passed on Feb 20, 1985. She was the daughter of Alberta (WHITE) MORRIS. ~ Branch of Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
In Memory of Marjorie (GREGG) JACKSON. She passed on Feb 19, 2012. She was the wife of William L. JACKSON on the branch of James and Hattie (WHITE) JACKSON. Branch of Richard and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE.
Thanks for reading.
S.A. Blakley
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Overwhelmed By What I've Stumbled Across

Greetings to the New Year!
I have found some new clues in 2018. I was overwhelmed by what I've stumbled across. I came across obituaries, photos and articles. These discoveries bring out the life of our relatives.
I'm thankful to all who have taken the DNA test and those who will. This helps us build a DNA Family Circle. I notice that many don't know their family history.
We, who are searching for our ancestors are on our journey; discovering more on our family connections. May we continues to search and share what we know with one another. Amen!
I have updated in 2018. And added some to this blog.
January In Remembrance: The Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
The Richard WHITE Sr. and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE Family Connections
In Memory of James Lee JACKSON.
He was born on Jan 5, 1903.
He was the husband of Hattie (WHITE) JACKSON.
In Memory of Levi L. WHITE.
He was born on Jan 31, 1931.
He was the son of Moses WHITE Sr. and Etta Mae (WILLIAMS) WHITE
The Isaac BLAKEY and Rachel (JACKSON/ LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY Family Connections.
In Memory of LEVI V. HAYES.
He was born in Jan 14, 1909.
He was the son of Ernest HAYES and Martha (BLAKEY) HAYES.
In Memory of Hayes Elbert BAKER Sr.
He was murdered on Jan 29, 1972.
He was the son of Virgil BAKER and Dorothy (HAYES) BAKER.
Have A Wonderful 2019!
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
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