There is power in the family bloodline.
I believe that “We are our ancestors dreams.”
And that they wanted better things for their descendants. We have to search and keep searching for leads and to make those discoveries that we are dreaming about. We want to learn more about our ancestors through the generations.
May we see what we discover and learn that our ancestors were to be an example for us. May we live as we love and learn from how we live our lives; the best way we know how. May each generation keep pressing on with the legacy that our ancestors passed on to us.
May we continue to keep the family history alive for future generations. May we document and write what we know and discover about our ancestors. May we share stories with family and friends so that our ancestors' names be heard. May we remember and honor our ancestors and relatives as much as we can.
The photo is the cover of the July 2 - 3, 1983 Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Reunion Booklet. The reunion was held in St. Paul Minnesota. This was my first family reunion that I attended.
Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connection
In Remembrance of
July In Remembrance:
Richard WHITE Sr.'s Spencer WHITE's and
Martha "Mattie" WHITE's Family Connections
Isaac BLAKEY Sr.'s Family Connections
Thanks for reading
Power In The Bloodline #52Ancestor ~ Week 8
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
This post was on February 28, 2021
Week 8 (Feb. 22-28): Power ~ Genealogy Café via facebook
“Power.” Does that mean physical strength, political power, power in the family, electrical power? Yes. It’s a vague theme on purpose
It’s whatever the theme sparks in you. Feel free to post your links and stories in the comments.
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