Tragedy #52Ancestors Week 33
We all have tragedy and misfortune in our family lineage. We have relatives who died way too soon. Some were passed due to illnesses, some murdered or had accidental death. There were some who were separated or divided through divorce or for whatever so ever reasons. There were children who born with a disability, and some relatives who became disabled, relatives losing a part of their body or they were injured. The list goes on.

As I was looking through my family connections, I saw the sadness, pain and sorrow. And I was thinking about my Great Uncle, Archie Blakey. He was the youngest brother of my Grandfather John Blakey / Blakley Sr. They had the same father, Private Isaac Blakey.
Archie Blakey was born in Shannondale, Missouri on May 13, 1904. He the son of Isaac Blakey, a formerly enslaved in Missouri and a Civil War Veteran in Mississippi and Rachel (Leftridge / Jackson) Blakey. He was the youngest of 18 children. Archie’s mother passed in 1916 when Archie was 11 and his disabled father passed in 1917 when Archie was 13. Archie’s brother, Ollie was named his guardian after the passing of their father.
Sometime during the 1920’s, Archie moved to Yankton, South Dakota with his brother, Deacon, Ollie Blakey and sister in law Margaret Cason) Blakey. They had family there. When Archie came of age, he moved to Sacramento California.
I don’t know much about Archie’s young life. However, he married his brother, Jordan Blakey’s ex wife, Flora (Lawrence) Blakey. I’m not for sure if Flora had children by Archie. However, Archie was listed as father on the 1930 census in California.
Archie was a porter. He was a garbage man working for the City of Sacramento. A City employee for the City of Sacramento waste removal department. A relative told me that Archie loved the rodeos.
The Tragedy
One day, Archie was cleaning spark pugs with gasoline in June of 1943. He was in the Sacramento hospital for treatment for severe burns on both of his legs. 7 months in the hospital. He passed due to the injury. R. I. P. Great Uncle Archie.
May the LORD guide us through our tragedies and misfortunes. Amen.
The photo was taken the day my brother in law passed. I was one the witnesses at his departure to heaven. One of my brothers was riding me home. And I caught the western clouds as he was taking me home.
Thanks for reading.
Tragedy #52Ancestors Week 33
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
Week 33: Tragedy ~ Generations Café via Facebook
There isn’t a family tree that doesn’t have at least one tragedy in it. What have you discovered? Did it change how you thought about that ancestor and his or her circumstances? Feel free to leave your links and stories in the comments.
Week 34 (Aug. 23-29): Character
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