Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June In Remembrance : BBW Family Connections

I hope all will have a Good month of June!

Happy Summer Time Stay Cool!

Thanks for reading.Peace!
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley

I update the Family Connections Information when available.

 In Memory of Issac BLAKEY.  
 Military accepted Isaac's birth day and year on June 30, 1847. Isaac stated that his birth year was 1845. He was the son of Andrew and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE.

Descendants of Isaac BLAKEY Sr. and Martha (SCOTT) BLAKEY

Sometime after giving birth to twin sons on June 21, 1871, Martha (SCOTT) BLAKEY passed.  She was the 1st wife of Isaac BLAKEY, the Civil War Vet.

In Memory of Baby Lula. She passed on June 6, in 1947. She was the daughter of D.W. and L. M.  BLAKLEY.

In Memory of Margaret (FLOYD) BLAKLEY. She was born June 11, 1947. She was the wife of R.C. BLAKLEY.

In Memory of Steven Edward ALLEN. He was born on  June 18, 1947. He was the husband of Freda (BLAKLEY) DYCHE.

In Memory of John BLAKEY / BLAKLEY and Andrew BLAKEY. They were born on June 21, 1871. They were the twin sons of Isaac BLAKEY and Martha (SCOTT) BLAKEY.

In Memory of Lawrence "Larry" CANFIELD. He was born June 19, 1961. He was the husband of T. J. (BLAKLEY) CANFIELD.

In Memory of Paul BLAKLEY. He was born on June 24, 1907. He son of John BLAKEY / BLAKLEY and Jennie (BARTLETT) BLAKLEY LYLE.

Some of the Descendants of Isaac BLAKEY and Rachel (LEFTRIDGE / JACKSON) BLAKEY

In Memory of Dabney "Dab" JACKSON . He was believed to have been born sometime in June of 1885.  He was the husband of Edna (BLAKEY) MARION JACKSON BENTLEY

In Memory of Henry Leo BLAKEY Sr. He passed sometime in June of 1967.  
He was the husband of Mary Elizabeth (FRISTOE) BLAKEY.

In Memory of Daniel "T. K" BLAKEY He passed on June 5, 2012. He was the son of Isaac Ransom BLAKEY and Arlee Lorraine ( BULLARD) BLAKEY

In Memory of Rufus Nathaniel YANCY He passed June 6, 2009.  He was the husband of Kathleen CHURCH; daughter of Henry CHURCH and Kathryn (BLAKEY) CHURCH.

In Memory of Lawhorn "Doc" BLAKEY. He was born on June 6, 1900. Lawhorn was married four times.

 In Memory of Ruth Naomi  (SCROGGIN) BLAKEY. She passed on June 7, 1999.  She was the wife of Daniel BLAKEY; Branch of Isaac and Maggie (WILLIAMS) BLAKEY.

In Memory of Doris Esther (BLAKEY) IVORY She passed on June 7, 2012. She was the daughter of Leroy E. BLAKEY Sr. and Thelma Jane (TRUDELL) BLAKEY. Branch of Spencer and Mary "Lovie"

In Memory of Josephine Mae (TURNER) BLAKEY. She was born on June 13, 1915. She was the wife of  Nathaniel "Nate" BLAKEY.

In Memory of Leroy Everette BLAKEY Jr  He passed June 19, 2003. He was the son of  Leroy E. BLAKEY Sr. and Thelma Jane (TRUDELL) BLAKEY

In Memory of Daniel BLAKEY was born on June 20, 1913. He was the son of Isaac BLAKEY and Maggie (WILLIAMS) BLAKEY.

In Memory of Walter J. PRINCE. He was born on June 20, 1930. He was the husband of Lorraine Arlee (BLAKEY) PRINCE. Branch of Isaac and Arlee

In Memory of Floyd BLAKEY. He was born June 21, 1913. He was the son of Henry BLAKEY and Mary Elizabeth (FRISTOE) BLAKEY.

In Memory of Cleman "Bob" Eugene THOMPSON. He passed on June 26, 1966. He was the husband of  Sharon Rose HAYES THOMPSON. Branch of Ernest and Martha (BLAKEY) HAYES.

In Memory of Ollie "Deke" BLAKEY. He was born on June 27, 1895. He was the husband of Margaret (CASON) BLAKEY.

In Memory of Perry Allen LIGHTNER  He was  born on June 29, 1967.  He was  the sons of  Otis LIGHTNER and Winona Marie (BLAKEY) LIGHTNER. Branch of Spencer and L. Mary" Lovie" KINNEY BLAKEY .

In Memory of Richard WHITE Sr.  and  Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE

 In Memory of William GETHER was born on June 2, 1915. He was the husband of  Elizabeth Toni (WHITE) GETHER. ~  Branch Tony and Georgia

In Memory of Jane L. (WHITE) HAYES was born on June 5, 1909. She was the wife of Otis HAYES.  She was the daughter of Richard and Jane.

In Memory of Jacquelyn Michelle  HOFFMAN. She was born on June 11, 1996. Branch of  Theodore and Patricia WHITE.

In Memory of Keith Courtney HAYES. He was born on June 14, 1953. Branch of Otis HAYES Sr. and Jane Lee (WHITE) HAYES.

In Memory of Odell (WHITE) CRAIG was born on June 17, 1894. She was the wife of Oscar CRAIG. She was the daughter of Richard and Jane

In Memory of Tony Willard HOUSTON passed on June 17, 1933. He was the son of Edward HOUSTON and Rena "Rennie" Pearl (WHITE) HOUSTON.

In Memory of Leanna Pauline "Paula" (WHITE) SAMUELS. She passed on June 25, 2001.  Branch of Tony and Georgia (LEE) WHITE.

In Memory of Bernce Veolia TERRILL RICHARDSON. She was born on June 29, 1921. She was the daughter of Ledrill TERRILL and Willie M. (WHITE) WINFREY.

Descendant of Mattie WHITE and "Lawman" BENTLEY.
In Memory of Velma Corrine (CARR) FRANKLIN. She was the wife of Robert Gary FRANKLIN. Branch of Ples CARR and Bob Ellen (BENTLEY) CARR.

John WHITE and Katherine WHITE
In Memory of  John WHITE was believed to have been born sometime in June of 1859.  He was the son of Andrew WHITE and Julia (FINNEY) WHITE.

In Memory of Leburter ? WHITE was believed to have been born sometime in June of 1884.  She was the daughter of John WHITE and Katherine (ESTILL) WHITE.

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